Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9296
Date Filed : 07/03/2012


No. Subject Date
1 OldTown Toll Bridge - an Application for a rate increase. Case No. 9296. (ML 140847) 06/20/2012
2 The Commission - Letter to Parties setting this matter for hearing , suspending the proposed rates and charges initially for a period of 150 days from the filing date and docketing the matter as a case and delegating it to the Public Utility Law Judge Division. Case No. 9296. (ML 141069) 07/03/2012
3 Hearing Examiner Division - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference. Case No. 9296 (ML 141132) 07/06/2012
4 Hearing Examiner Division - Notice of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9296 (ML 141808) 08/03/2012
5 CRC-Salomon - Stenographer's Record Hearing Date July 31, 2012. Case No. 9296 (ML 141877) 08/08/2012
6 The Historical Oldtown Bridge Preservation, LLC - Direct Testimony of Lori Roberts. Case No. 9296 (ML 142012) 08/15/2012
7 Hearing Examiner Division - Notice of Location of Hearing. Case No. 9296 (ML 142151) 08/22/2012
8 Historical Oldtown Bridge Preservation, LLC - Certificate of Publication. Case No. 9296 (ML 142470) 09/12/2012
9 Hearing Examiner Division - Notice of Cancellation of Hearing and Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9296 (ML 142529) 09/14/2012
10 Hearing Examiner Division - Service list revision. Case No. 9296 (ML 142530) 09/14/2012
11 Hearing Examiner Division - Service list revision. Case No. 9296 (ML 142545) 09/14/2012
12 Hearing Examiner Division - Amended Notice of Location of Hearings. Case No. 9296 (ML 142544) 09/14/2012
13 Office of Staff Counsel - Public and Confidential Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Jennifer Brekke-Miles. Case No. 9296 (ML 142549) 09/14/2012
14 Hearing Examiner Division - Amended Notice of Hearing Date and Commencement Times. Case No. 9296 (ML 142963) 10/02/2012
15 Kim Hughes - Legal Community Holdings of Maryland, Publishers - Certificate of Publication. Case No. 9296 (ML 143279) 10/22/2012
16 CRC-Salomon - Stenographer's Record Hearing Date November 5, 2012. (2:00 p.m. hearing) Case No. 9296 (ML 143753) 11/20/2012
17 CRC-Salomon - Stenographer's Record Hearing Date November 5, 2012. (7:00 p.m. Public Hearing) Case No. 9296 (ML 143754) 11/20/2012
18 Office of Staff Counsel - Settlement Agreement between Staff and Oldtown Bridge Tolls. Case No. 9296 (ML 143984) 12/05/2012
19 Hearing Examiner Division - Notice of Further Hearing. Case No. 9296 (ML 144133) 12/12/2012
20 Office of Staff Counsel - Settlement Testimony and Exhibits of Jennifer Brekke-Miles. Case No. 9296 (ML 144607) 01/09/2013
21 Community Holdings of Maryland, Publishers - Certificate of Publication. Case No. 9296 (ML 144674) 01/11/2013
22 Office of Staff Counsel - Amendment to the Agreement of Stipulation and Settlement filed on December 5, 2012. Case No. 9296 (ML 144833) 01/16/2013
23 CRC-Salomon - Stenographer's Record Hearing Date January 14, 2013. (Public Hearing). Case No. 9296 (ML 145046) 01/29/2013
24 CRC-Salomon - Stenographer's Record Hearing Date January 14, 2013. (Evidentiary Hearing). Case No. 9296 (ML 145047) 01/29/2013
25 Hearing Examiner Division - Proposed Order. Case No. 9296 (ML 145057) 01/29/2013
26 Hearing Examiner Division - Letter to Parties finalizing the Proposed Order No. 85396. Case No. 9296 (ML 145708) 03/01/2013
27 Historical Oldtown Bridge Preservation - its First annual report regarding repair work performed on the Bridge. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9296 (ML 154409) 04/18/2014
28 OldTown Toll Bridge - Repair Report. (CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9296 (ML 231823) 09/14/2020
29 Historical Infrastructure Management - its 2019 Bridge Inspection Report. (CONFIDENTIAL). Case No. 9296 (ML 233920) 02/25/2021
30 OldTown Toll Bridge - Repair Report. (Confidential) Case No. 9296 (ML 234162) 03/15/2021
31 OldTown Toll Bridge - Repair Report. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9296 (ML 237639) 11/01/2021
32 OldTown Toll Bridge - Updated Contact Information. Case No. 9672 (ML 238405) 12/31/2021
33 Oldtown Toll Bridge, LLC c/o Historic Old Town Bridge - Repair Report. (Confidential) Case No. 9296 (ML 302308) 04/07/2023
34 Oldtown Toll Bridge, LLC c/o Historic Old Town Bridge - Repair Report. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9296 (ML 303908) 07/06/2023
35 Oldtown Toll Bridge, LLC c/o Historic Old Town Bridge - Repair Report. (Confidential) Case No. 9296 (ML 303909) 07/06/2023
36 Oldtown Toll Bridge, LLC c/o Historic Old Town Bridge - Repair Report. (Confidential) Case No. 9296 (ML 306364) 11/29/2023