Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9429
Date Filed : 10/07/2016


No. Subject Date
1 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing the Construction of the LeGore Bridge Solar Center in Frederick County, Maryland. Case No. 9429. (ML 200753) 10/07/2016
2 The Commission - Ltrs. to Party(ies) of LeGore Bridge Solar Center LLC Application sets the matter for hearing and delegates the matter to the Public Utility Law Judge Division. Case No. 9429. (ML 201077) 10/12/2016
3 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Notice and the Certificate of Service for the notices to members of the General Assembly. (ML 201207) 10/18/2016
4 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance of Joyce R. Lombardi. Case No. 9429. (ML 202425) 10/26/2016
5 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference. Case No. 9429. (ML 202473) 10/28/2016
6 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9429. (ML 202474) 10/28/2016
7 Office of Staff Counsel - Entry of Appearance Peter A. Woolson. Case No. 9429. (ML 202467) 10/28/2016
8 DNR/PPRP - Entry of Appearances. Case No. 9429. (ML 203889) 11/10/2016
9 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List. Case No. 9429. (ML 204318) 11/15/2016
10 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9429. (ML 204371) 11/16/2016
11 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Notice of Prehearing Conference. November 1, November 3, and November 7, 2016. In Frederick. Case No. 9429 (ML 204694) 11/18/2016
12 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Direct Testimony of Ryan Gilchrist and Timothy J. Kellerman. Case No. 9429. (ML 205318) 11/28/2016
13 CRC Salomon - Stenographer Record Hearing Date. Novemember 14, 2016. 2:00pm. Case No.9429. (ML 205314) 11/23/2016
14 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Special Exception Approval. Case No. 9429. (ML 207206) 12/21/2016
15 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Direct Testimony of Timothy J. Kellerman and Ryan Gilchrist. Case No. 9429. (ML 209293) 01/09/2017
16 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Supplemental Direct Testimony of Ryan Gilchrist. Case No. 9429. (ML 212172) 01/31/2017
17 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Modified Procedural Dates. Case No. 9429. (ML 212556) 02/08/2017
18 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List. Case No. 9429. (ML 212645) 02/14/2017
19 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Hearing (S). Case No. 9429 (ML 213010) 02/22/2017
20 Office of Staff Counsel - Direct Testimony of Mikhail Ratushny. Case No. 9429. (ML 213122) 02/28/2017
21 DNR/ PPRP - Direct Testimony of Helen Stewart, Dr. Peter D. Hall, Kristine B. Sillett. Case No. 9429. (ML 213987) 03/08/2017
22 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Ltrs. to Party(ies). Notice of an Evening Public Hearing. Case No. 9429. (ML 214206) 03/27/2017
23 DNR/PPRP - Corrected Initial Recommended License Conditions. Case No. 9429. (ML 214195) 03/27/2017
24 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Ltrs. to Party(ies) Notice of an Evening Public Hearing. Case No. 9429. (ML 214205) 03/27/2017
25 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Affidavit of Publication and Online Notices (Public Comment Hearing). Case No. 9429. (ML 214222) 03/27/2017
26 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Status Update and Proposed Modifications to PPRP's Corrected Initial Recommendation Licensing Conditions. Case No. 9429. (ML 214286) 03/30/2017
27 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Public Comment Hearing. Case No. 9429. (ML 214336) 03/31/2017
28 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Cancellation of Hearing. Case No. 9429. (ML 214414) 04/03/2017
29 PPRP/ DNR - Revised Initial Recommended Conditions, dated April 13, 2017. Case No. 9429. (ML 214652) 04/13/2017
30 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographer Record Hearing Date. March 30, 2017. 7:00 p.m. Case No. 9429. (ML 214680) 04/14/2017
31 Frederick County, Maryland - a letter Requesting that pending applications for CPCN's not be expedited or granted waivers. Case Nos. 9429 and 9439. (ML 214626) 04/12/2017
32 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Notice of Agreement with PPRP and Staff Proposed Conditions. Case No. 9429. (ML 214677) 04/14/2017
33 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Public Comment Hearing Response. Case No. 9429. (ML 214669) 04/14/2017
34 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Response to Bench Data Request. Case No. 9429. (ML 214330) 03/31/2017
35 PPRP/ DNR - Supplemental Testimony of Dr Peter Hall. Case No. 9429. (ML 214761) 04/21/2017
36 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Notification that we will not contest the Direct Testimony of Dr. Peter Hall. Case No. 9429. (ML 215009) 05/04/2017
37 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Hearing. Case No. 9429. (ML 215078) 05/09/2017
38 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List. Case No. 9429. (ML 215314) 05/22/2017
39 Frederick County Government- Office of the County Attorney - Bill No. 17-07. Case Nos 9429 and 9439. (ML 215531) 06/02/2017
40 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographer Record Hearing Date. May 12, 2017. 10:00 a. m. Case No. 9429. (ML 215623) 06/12/2017
41 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Response to Frederick County Filing (June 5, 2017).. Case No. 9429. (ML 215657) 06/13/2017
42 Frederick County Government- Office of the County Attorney - Response to Applicant Filing. Case No. 9429. (ML 215721) 06/15/2017
43 Maryland PPRP - Request to Postpone Proposed Order. Case No. 9429. (ML 215714) 06/15/2017
44 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Response to PPRP Filing. Case No. 9429. (ML 215743) 06/16/2017
45 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Further Procedural Date. Case No. 9429. (ML 215774) 06/20/2017
46 Office of Staff Counsel - Response to PULJ Notice of Further Procedural Date. Case No. 9429. (ML 215988) 07/07/2017
47 PPRP/ DNR - Motion to Reopen the Record. Case No. 9429. (ML 215996) 07/07/2017
48 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Response to Notice of Further Procedural Date. Case No. 9429. (ML 215997) 07/07/2017
49 Frederick County Government- Office of the County Attorney - Motion to Intervene and Reopen the Record. Case No. 9429. (ML 215966) 07/06/2017
50 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Ruling on Frederick County's Motion to Re-Open Case and Notice of Further Procedural Dates. Case No. 9429. (ML 216045) 07/13/2017
51 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List. Case No. 9429. (ML 216046) 07/13/2017
52 Frederick County Government- Office of the County Attorney - Response to Public Utility Law Judge's Ruling. Case No 9429. (ML 216139) 07/19/2017
53 PPRP/ DNR - Request to replace previously filed version, which was inadvertently filed. Case No. 9429. (ML 216256) 07/27/2017
54 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Response Brief. Case No. 9429. (ML 216251) 07/26/2017
55 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Proposed Order. Case No. 9429. (ML 217194) 10/03/2017
56 Office of People's Counsel - Withdrawal of Appearance of Joyce Lombardi. Entry of Appearance of Theresa V. Czarski. Case No. 9429. (ML 217237) 10/05/2017
57 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List. Case No. 9429. (ML 217282) 10/10/2017
58 Egypt Road Solar, LLC - Certificate of Publication and Online Notices. Case No. 9429. (ML 217361) 10/16/2017
59 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Appeal Filed. Case No. 9429. (ML 217631) 11/01/2017
60 Frederick County Government- Office of the County Attorney - Notice of Appeal. Case No. 9429. (ML 217607) 11/01/2017
61 Frederick County Government- Office of the County Attorney - Memorandum of Appeal. Case No. 9429. (ML 217753) 11/09/2017
62 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Reply Memorandum on Appeal in response to the Memorandum of Appeal of Frederick County, Maryland filed on November 9, 2017. Case No. 9429. (ML 217995) 11/29/2017
63 DNR/PPRP - Reply Memorandum to Frederick County's Memorandum on Appeal. Case No. 9429. (ML 217994) 11/29/2017
64 Office of Staff Counsel - Reply Memorandum. Case No. 9429 (ML 217982) 11/29/2017
65 The Commission - Case No. 9429. (ML 219558) 03/23/2018
66 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Notice of PPRP Conditions 24 and Staff Condition 4. Case No. 9429 (ML 233275) 01/13/2021
67 The Commission - Order No. 89859 - Scheduling Notice on Remand. Case No. 9429 (ML 235807) 06/21/2021
68 Office of Staff Counsel - Staff Supplement to its Reply Memorandum. Case No. 9429 (ML 235968) 06/30/2021
69 Frederick County Govt. - Office of the County Attorney - Supplemental Memorandum on Remand. Case No. 9429 (ML 236073) 07/09/2021
70 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Supplemental Memorandum on Appeal. Case No. 9429 (ML 236084) 07/12/2021
71 DNR/PPRP - Reply Memorandum. Case No. 9429 (ML 236171) 07/19/2021
72 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Reply Memorandum. Case No. 9429 (ML 236177) 07/19/2021
73 Frederick County Govt. - Office of the County Attorney - Reply to Supplemental Memorandum on Remand. Case No. 9429 (ML 236211) 07/21/2021
74 Frederick County Govt. - Office of the County Attorney - Motion to Strike. Case No. 9429 (ML 236213) 07/21/2021
75 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - its Opposition to Frederick County, Maryland's Motion to Strike. Case No. 9429 (ML 236217) 07/22/2021
76 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - its Errata to its Opposition to Frederick County, Maryland's Motion to Strike. Case No. 9429 (ML 236222) 07/22/2021
77 The Commission - Order 89918. Order Granting LeGore Bridge CPCN. Case No. 9429 (ML 236703) 08/19/2021
78 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - its Request for Extension of CPCN Construction Commencement and Operational Deadlines. Case No. 9429 (ML 304730) 08/25/2023
79 DNR-PPRP - its Response to LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC 's request for extension of deadlines in the CPCN. Case No. 9429 (ML 305054) 09/15/2023
80 The Commission - Letter Order to LeGore Bridge Solar Center LLC granted extension of operational deadline. Case No. 9429 (ML 305198) 09/21/2023
81 Office of People's Counsel - Withdrawal and Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9429 (ML 305226) 09/22/2023
82 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9429 (ML 305250) 09/25/2023
83 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - its Request for Approval of Decommissioning Plan Pursuant to CPCN Condition 22. Case No 9429 (ML 308640) 04/01/2024
84 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Service List Revisions. Case No. 9429 (ML 309011) 04/17/2024
85 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9429 (ML 309019) 04/17/2024
86 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Revised Decommissioning Plan. Case No. 9429 (Public and Confidential) (ML 309500) 05/07/2024
87 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - its Revised Decommissioning Plan. Case No. 9429 (Public and Confidential) (ML 309860) 05/23/2024
88 DNR/ PPRP - its Comments on LeGore Bridge LLC’s Request for Approval of Decommissioning Plan Pursuant to CPCN Condition 22. Case No. 9429 (ML 310174) 06/10/2024
89 The Commission - Letter Order to LeGore Bridge Solar Center LLC approving revised decommissioning plan. Case No. 9429. (ML 310238) 06/13/2024
90 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Licensing Condition 2f, 5, 6, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20. Case No. 9429 (ML 310387) 06/21/2024
91 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - Licensing Conditions 7, 10, 12, 17, and 23. Case No. 9429 (ML 312197) 09/09/2024
92 LeGore Bridge Solar Center, LLC - its Decommissioning Bond (Public and Confidential). Case No. 9429 (ML 312383) 09/17/2024