Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9468
Date Filed : 12/01/2017


No. Subject Date
1 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - an Application for Approval of a New Gas System Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement Plan and Accompanying Cost Recovery Mechanism. Case No. 9468. (ML 218056) 12/01/2017
2 The Commission - Order No. 88492 Case No. 9468. (ML 218064) 12/04/2017
3 Office of Staff Counsel - Entry of Appearances of Annette B. Garofalo, and Michael A. Dean. Case No. 9468. (ML 218203) 12/15/2017
4 Maryland Energy Group - Petition to Intervene. Case No. 9468. (ML 218368) 01/02/2018
5 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Affidavits of Publications. Case No. 9468. (ML 218375) 01/03/2018
6 The Commission - Notice of Change in Start Time for Prehearing Conference. Case No. 9468. (ML 218379) 01/03/2018
7 The Commission - Order No. 88521 Case No. 9468. (ML 218411) 01/05/2018
8 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Supplemental Direct Testimony of John C Frain. Case No. 9468. (ML 218639) 01/22/2018
9 The Commission - Service list. Case No. 9468. (ML 218668) 01/24/2018
10 The Commission - Notice of Evening Hearings for Public Comment. Case No. 9468. (ML 218685) 01/25/2018
11 Office of People's Counsel - Direct Testimony of Brendan Larkin-Connolly (ML 219059) 02/16/2018
12 Maryland Energy Group - Direct Testimony of Gary Lasako and Kurt Krammer (ML 219055) 02/16/2018
13 Office of Staff Counsel - Direct Testimony of Various Staff Witnesses (ML 219061) 02/16/2018
14 The Commission - Service list. Case No. 9468. (ML 219103) 02/21/2018
15 Office of Staff Counsel - Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Carlos A. Acosta. Case No. 9468. (ML 219138) 02/23/2018
16 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Rebuttal Testimonies of A. Christopher Burton, Mark D. Case, and John C. Frain. Case No. 9468. (ML 219337) 03/07/2018
17 Office of People's Counsel - Errata to Direct Testimony of Brendan Larkin-Connolly. Case No. 9468. (ML 219311) 03/07/2018
18 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Affidavits of Publication. Case No. 9468. (ML 219362) 03/09/2018
19 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Corrected Rebuttal Testimony of Mark D. Case and Exhibit 12 to Rebuttal Testimony of A. Christopher Burton. Case No. 9468. (ML 219412) 03/14/2018
20 Office of Staff Counsel - Proposed Order of Witnesses. Case No. 9468. (ML 219456) 03/16/2018
21 Office of People's Counsel - Surrebuttal Testimony of Brendan Larkin-Connolly. Case No. 9468. (ML 219469) 03/16/2018
22 Office of Staff Counsel - Surrebuttal Testimonies. Case No. 9468. (ML 219472) 03/16/2018
23 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. March 20, 2018 10:00 a. m. Case No. 9468. Vol I. (ML 219567) 03/26/2018
24 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. March 22, 2018 1:30 p. m. Case No. 9468 Vol II. (ML 219568) 03/26/2018
25 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. March 23, 2018 10:00 a. m. Vol. III. Case No. 9468. (ML 219607) 03/27/2018
26 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. March 13, 2018. 6:30 p. m. (ML 219699) 03/30/2018
27 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. March 14, 2018. 6:30 p. m. Case No. 9468. (ML 219855) 04/05/2018
28 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date PreHearing Conference January 4, 2018. 2:00 p. m. Case No. 9468. (ML 218587) 01/18/2018
29 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Initial Brief. Case No. 9468. (ML 220005) 04/16/2018
30 Office of Staff Counsel - Brief. Case No. 9468. (ML 220007) 04/16/2018
31 Office of People's Counsel - Initial Post-Hearing Brief. Case No. 9468. (ML 220003) 04/16/2018
32 Maryland Energy Group - Initial Brief. Case No. 9468. (ML 220008) 04/16/2018
33 Office of Staff Counsel - Reply Brief. Case No. 9468. (ML 220244) 04/30/2018
34 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Reply Brief. Case No. 9468. (ML 220240) 04/30/2018
35 Office of People's Counsel - Reply Brief. Case No. 9468. (ML 220235) 04/30/2018
36 The Commission - Order No. 88714 Case No. 9468. (ML 220701) 05/30/2018
37 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Acceptance of Order. Case No. 9468. (ML 220746) 06/01/2018
38 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its STRIDE 2019 Project List and Surcharge Calculations. Case No. 9468. (ML 222727) 11/01/2018
39 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Project List 2019. Eastpoint 1 Project. Case No. 9468. (ML 223174) 12/07/2018
40 Office of People's Counsel - Comments. Case No. 9468. (ML 223192) 12/10/2018
41 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE approving 2019 STRIDE Project List and accepting proposed STRIDE surcharges. Case No. 9468. (ML 223220) 12/12/2018
42 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance of Patrick E. O'Laughlin. Case Nos. 9331, 9332, 9335, 9468, 9479, and 9486. (ML 223428) 01/02/2019
43 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Supplement 454 to Md G-9: STRIDE Calculations to Reflect Implementation of Revised Gas Base Rates pursuant to Order No. 88975. Case Nos. 9484, 9331, and 9468. (ML 223504) 01/07/2019
44 - Service list. Case No. 9468. (ML 223542) 01/09/2019
45 Office of People's Counsel - Comments. Case No. 9468. (ML 223760) 01/28/2019
46 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE accepted tariff revisions. Case Nos. 9484, 9331 and 9468. (ML 223802) 01/30/2019
47 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its 2019 STRIDE Semi-Annual Report. (ML 226311) 08/01/2019
48 Office of People's Counsel - Comments. Case No. 9468 (ML 226835) 09/16/2019
49 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE noting STRIDE filing. Case No. 9468. (ML 226901) 09/19/2019
50 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - STRIDE 2020 Project List and Surcharge Calculations. Case No. 9468. (ML 227350) 11/01/2019
51 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE approving 2020 STRIDE Project List and accepting proposes surcharges. Case No. 9468. (ML 227933) 12/19/2019
52 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Proposed STRIDE Audit Engagement w/ Exhibit B and C (CONFIDENTIAL). The Company requests approval to engage SB & Company, LLC to conduct necessary evaluation. Effective: January 23, 2020. Case No. 9468. (ML 227974) 12/23/2019
53 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Updated 2020 STRIDE surcharge adjustment effective May, 2020 through December 2020. Case No. 9468. (ML 229132) 03/16/2020
54 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its STRIDE Program and Project Cost Variance Information and True-Up. Case No. 9468. (ML 229301) 03/23/2020
55 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE accepting STRIDE Program and Project Cost Variance and Reconciliation. Case No. 9468. (ML 229910) 04/23/2020
56 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its semi-annual report on the Company''s 2020 Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement ("STRIDE") plan project list. Case No. 9468 (ML 231346) 08/03/2020
57 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - STRIDE Mid-Year Report Additional Information. Case No. 9468 (ML 231601) 08/26/2020
58 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE noting/accepting 2020 STRIDE Program Semi-Annual Report. Case No. 9468. (ML 231883) 09/17/2020
59 Department of Housing and Community Development - Comments. Case No. 9468 (ML 232446) 11/02/2020
60 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Proposed 2021 STRIDE Project List and Surcharge Calculations. Case No. 9468. (ML 232447) 11/02/2020
61 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - revised tariff pages. Supplement No. 468 to P.S.C. Md. G-9: Rider 1 - Gas Efficiency Charge. Effective: January 1, 2021. Case No. 9468. (ML 232631) 11/17/2020
62 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE Approving 2021 STRIDE Project List. Case No. 9468. (ML 232831) 12/04/2020
63 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Proposed STRIDE Audit Engagement (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL). Case No. 9468 (ML 233019) 12/18/2020
64 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE accepting tariff revisions. Case No. 9468. (ML 233092) 12/23/2020
65 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Supplement 473 to Md G-9: STRIDE Calculations to Reflect Implementation of Revised Gas Base Rates pursuant to Order No. 89678. Case Nos. 9645, 9331, and 9468. (ML 233107) 12/29/2020
66 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE Accepting Tariff Revisions. Case No. 9468. (ML 233909) 02/24/2021
67 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its STRIDE2 program and Project Cost Variance information and True Up CY2020. Case No. 9468 (ML 234183) 03/15/2021
68 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Errata to STRIDE2 program and Project Cost Variance information and True Up CY2020. Case No. 9468 (ML 234425) 03/30/2021
69 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE Accepting STRIDE Program and Project Cost Variance and Reconciliation. Case No. 9468. (ML 235018) 04/29/2021
70 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Annual 2020 STRIDE Audit Report. (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9468 (ML 235058) 04/30/2021
71 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Request to Modify 2021 STRIDE Project List. Case No. 9468 (ML 235333) 05/19/2021
72 Office of People's Counsel - Ltrs. to Party(ies). Comments. Case No. 9468 (ML 235805) 06/21/2021
73 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE approving modification to 2021 STRIDE project list. Case No. 9468. (ML 235864) 06/23/2021
74 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its semi-annual report on the Company's 2021 Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement ("STRIDE") plan project list. Case No. 9468 (ML 236395) 08/02/2021
75 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE accepting Semi-annual report on the Company's 2021 STRIDE plan project list. Case No. 9468. (ML 236947) 09/08/2021
76 Office of People's Counsel - Withdrawal of Appearance. Case No 9468 (ML 237642) 11/01/2021
77 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its 2022 Proposed STRIDE Project List and Surcharge Calculations (ML 237670) 11/01/2021
78 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Proposed STRIDE Audit Engagement (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL). Case No. 9468 (ML 238300) 12/22/2021
79 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9468 (ML 238305) 12/22/2021
80 The Commission - Approval of BGE Proposed STRIDE Audit Engagement. Case No. 9468 (ML 238329) 12/23/2021
81 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE approving 2022 STRIDE Project List and 2022 Surcharges. Case No. 9468. (ML 238339) 12/23/2021
82 Office of People's Counsel - Comments on WGL's Proposed Stride 2022 Project List (ML 238471) 01/10/2022
83 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its STRIDE 2021 Program and Project Cost Variance information and True Up. Case No. 9468 (ML 239590) 03/15/2022
84 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Errata to its STRIDE 2021 Program and Project Cost Variance information and True Up. Case No. 9468 (ML 240020) 04/01/2022
85 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE accepting STRIDE Program True-up Report. Case No. 9468. (ML 240385) 04/27/2022
86 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Annual 2021 STRIDE Audit Report. (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9468 (ML 240428) 04/29/2022
87 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9468 (ML 240994) 06/09/2022
88 The Commission - Service list. Case No. 9468. (ML 241032) 06/10/2022
89 The Commission - Service list. Case No. 9468. (ML 241033) 06/10/2022
89 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its semi-annual report on the Company's 2022 Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement ("STRIDE") plan project list. Case No. 9468 (ML 241727) 08/01/2022
90 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE noting STRIDE Progress Report. Case No. 9468. (ML 242137) 08/31/2022
91 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its 2023 Proposed STRIDE Project List and Surcharge Calculations: CN. 9468 (ML 242893) 11/01/2022
92 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE approving 2023 STRIDE Project List and associated surcharges. Case No. 9468. (ML 300418) 12/07/2022
93 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Proposed STRIDE Audit Engagement (Public Version). Case No. 9468 (ML 300618) 12/22/2022
94 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Proposed STRIDE Audit Engagement (Confidential Version). Case No. 9468 (ML 300620) 12/22/2022
95 The Commission - Approval of BGE Proposed STRIDE Audit Engagement. Case No. 9468 (ML 300698) 01/03/2023
96 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its STRIDE 2022 Program and Project Cost Variance information and True Up. Case No. 9468 (ML 301802) 03/15/2023
97 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Errata to its STRIDE 2022 Program and Project Cost Variance Information. Case No. 9468 (ML 302066) 03/30/2023
98 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Annual 2022 STRIDE Audit Report. (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9468 (ML 302561) 04/25/2023
99 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE accepting 2022 STRIDE True-up Report. Case No. 9468. (ML 303236) 05/31/2023
100 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Notice of Final IRS Guidance on Tax Repair Rule. Case No. 9331 and 9468 (ML 303346) 06/05/2023
101 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its 2023 STRIDE Semi Annual Report reflecting data through June 30, 2023. Case No. 9468 (ML 304385) 08/01/2023
102 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE noting STRIDE filing. Case No. 9468 (ML 305190) 09/21/2023
103 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Proposed STRIDE Audit Engagement (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL). Case No. 9468 (ML 306756) 12/19/2023
104 The Commission - Approval of 2023 STRIDE Auditor Engagement. Case No. 9468 (ML 306822) 12/21/2023
105 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its STRIDE 2023 Program and Project Cost Variance information and True Up. Case No. 9468 (ML 308278) 03/15/2024
106 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - Errata to its STRIDE 2023 Program Project Cost Variance information and True Up. Case No. 9468 (ML 308763) 04/03/2024
107 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Annual 2023 STRIDE Audit Report. (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9468 (ML 309209) 04/23/2024
108 Office of People's Counsel - Comments on BGE's STRIDE 2023 Program and Project Cost Variance information and True Up. Case No. 9468 (ML 309322) 04/29/2024
109 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - its Revised Tariff Pages. The Company Proposes an Update to its Supplement 510 to P.S.C. Md. G-9 removing Rider 16 STRIDE Surcharge. Effective: August 1, 2024. Case No. 9468 (ML 310496) 06/28/2024
110 The Commission - Letter Order to BGE accepting tariff revisions. Case No. 9468 (ML 311340) 08/01/2024