Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9470
Date Filed : 12/22/2017

In the Matter of the Application of The Potomac Edison Company for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Modify the Ringgold-Catoctin Transmission Line n Frederick and Washington Counties, Maryland.

No. Subject Date
1 The Potomac Edison Company - an Application for a CPCN along with four exhibits constituting the Direct Testimony of witnesses Amanda B. Habershaw, Jeffrey P. Irons, Andrew P. Horne and John J. Rostock, Jr. (Exhibit - CONFIDENTIAL). Case No. 9470. (ML 218316) 12/22/2017
2 The Commission - Letter Order noting that it dockets the case and delegates the matter to the PULJ to conduct the proceedings. Case No 9470. (ML 218327) 12/27/2017
3 Office of Staff Counsel - Entry of Appearances of Peter A. Woolson and Michael Dean. Case No. 9470. (ML 218332) 12/28/2017
4 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9470. (ML 218374) 01/03/2018
5 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference. Case No. 9470. (ML 218373) 01/03/2018
6 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance of Gary L. Alexander. Case No. 9470. (ML 218466) 01/09/2018
7 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance - Mikhail Raykher - Case Nos. 9470 and 9473. (ML 218605) 01/19/2018
8 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9470. (ML 218617) 01/22/2018
9 The Potomac Edison Company - Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Neccessity (CPCN). Case No. 9470. (ML 218794) 01/31/2018
10 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9470. (ML 218909) 02/08/2018
11 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List. Case No. 9470. (ML 218910) 02/08/2018
12 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Revised Service List. Case No. 9470 (ML 218924) 02/09/2018
13 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Prehearing Conference for Mon., Feb. 5, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Case No. 9470. (ML 219095) 02/21/2018
14 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Modified Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9470. (ML 220803) 06/07/2018
15 Office of Staff Counsel - Direct Testimony of Christopher Lo. Case No. 9470. (ML 222240) 09/24/2018
16 PPRP/ DNR - Direct Testimony of David A. Tancabel. Case No. 9470. (ML 222243) 09/24/2018
17 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Public Comment Hearings. Case No. 9470. (ML 222389) 10/04/2018
18 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Re: Public Comment Hearing. Case No 9470. (ML 222391) 10/04/2018
19 DNR-PPRP - State Secretarial letter. Case No. 9470. (ML 222407) 10/05/2018
20 Office of People's Counsel - Decline to File Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9470. (ML 222453) 10/11/2018
21 The Potomac Edison Company - Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9470. (ML 222508) 10/15/2018
22 PPRP/ DNR - Surrebuttal Testimony of David A. Tancabel. Case No. 9470. (ML 222655) 10/29/2018
23 Office of People's Counsel - Decline to File Surrebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9470. (ML 222659) 10/29/2018
24 The Potomac Edison Company - Affidavits of Publication, Public Notices. Case No. 9470. (ML 222674) 10/30/2018
25 The Potomac Edison Company - Notice of Company's Acceptance of Revised Initial Licensing Conditions. Case No. 9470. (ML 222788) 11/05/2018
26 The Potomac Edison Company - Notices of Evening Public Hearings. Case No. 9470. (ML 222791) 11/05/2018
27 The Potomac Edison Company - Notice of Application Provided to Members of General Assembly. Case No. 9470. (ML 222790) 11/05/2018
28 Potomac Edison - Service List. Case No. 9470. (ML 222846) 11/09/2018
29 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Public Hearing October 30, 2018. 7:00 p. m. Case No. 9470. (ML 222906) 11/15/2018
30 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Public Hearing November 1, 2018 7:00 p. m. Case No. 9470. (ML 222966) 11/20/2018
31 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. November 7, 1:00 p. m. Case No. 9470. (ML 222968) 11/20/2018
32 The Potomac Edison Company - Notice to Members of General Assembly Comment Deadline. 9470. (ML 222973) 11/20/2018
33 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Proposed Order. Case No. 9470. (ML 223261) 12/14/2018
34 The Potomac Edison Company - Request for Clarification, or in the Alternative, Notice of Appeal. Case No. 9470. (ML 223564) 01/10/2019
35 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. November 7, 2018. 1:00 p. m. Case No. 9470. (ML 223577) 01/11/2019
36 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Rule Governing the filing of appeals for Proposed Orders. Case No. 9470. (ML 223613) 01/15/2019
37 The Potomac Edison Company - Memorandum on Appeal. Case No: 9470 (ML 223713) 01/22/2019
38 Office of Staff Counsel - Reply Memorandum. Case No. 9470. (ML 223876) 02/06/2019
39 Office of People's Counsel - Reply Memorandum. Case No. 9470. (ML 223935) 02/11/2019
40 The Commission - Order No. 89035 Case No. 9470. (ML 223985) 02/15/2019
41 The Potomac Edison Company - Request for Extension of Construction Deadline. Case No. 9470 (ML 237329) 10/06/2021
42 The Commission - Grant of Extension of Construction Deadline Case No. 9470. (ML 237350) 10/08/2021
43 Transource Maryland LLC - Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - The Potomac Edison Company - Joint Request for Further Extension of Commencement Deadlines. Case No. 9470 and 9471 (ML 242844) 10/28/2022
44 DNR/ PPRP - its Response to Joint Request for Further Extension of Commencement Deadlines. Case No. 9470 and 9471 (ML 300292) 11/28/2022
45 Office of People's Counsel - its Response to Joint Request for Further Extension of Commencement Deadlines. Case No. 9470 and 9471 (ML 300294) 11/28/2022
46 The Commission - Letter Order to Transource Maryland, LLC, BGE and PE granting extension of deadlines. Case Nos. 9470 and 9471. (ML 300331) 11/30/2022
47 Transource Maryland, LLC, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, and The Potomac Edison Company - its Joint Request for Extension of CPCN Commencement Deadlines. Case No. 9470 and 9471 (ML 305921) 10/31/2023
48 PPRP/ DNR - Comments on Joint Request or Extension of Commencement Deadlines. Case No. 9470 and 9471 (ML 306558) 12/07/2023
49 The Commission - Letter Order to Transource, BGE and PE granting extension. Case No. 9470 and 9471 (ML 306632) 12/13/2023
50 Transource Maryland, LLC, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, and The Potomac Edison Company - its Joint Request for Extension of CPCN Commencement Deadlines. Case No. 9470 and 9471 (ML 313577) 11/13/2024
51 Office of Staff Counsel - its Request for a Temporary Extension of the Construction Commencement Deadlines of the CPCNs and CPCN Waivers. Case Nos. 9470 and 9471 (ML 314179) 12/11/2024
52 The Commission - Grant of Request for Temporary Extension. Case Nos. 9470 and 9471 (ML 314387) 12/19/2024
53 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9470 (ML 314953) 01/16/2025
54 DNR/ PPRP - Notice of Recommendation on Extension of Commencement Deadlines. Case No. 9470 and 9471 (ML 315144) 01/27/2025
55 Office of People's Counsel - Comments on Joint Request for Extension of Commencement Deadlines. Case Nos. 9470 and 9471 (ML 315159) 01/27/2025
56 The Commission - Letter Order to Parties temporarily extending deadlines. Case No. 9470 and 9471. (ML 315260) 01/30/2025
57 The Commission - Letter Order to Parties with Bench Data Request. Case Ns. 9470 and 9471 (ML 315376) 02/03/2025