Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9479
Date Filed : 04/06/2018


No. Subject Date
1 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Application for authority to adopt a new 2019-2023 Infrastructure Replacement and Improvement Surcharge Plan. Case No. 9479. (ML 219890) 04/06/2018
2 The Commission - Order No. 88642. Case No. 9479 (ML 219933) 04/11/2018
3 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference. Case No. 9479. (ML 219942) 04/12/2018
4 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9479. (ML 219943) 04/12/2018
5 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance - Joseph G. Cleaver. Case No. 9479. (ML 219986) 04/16/2018
6 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9479. (ML 220006) 04/16/2018
7 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Certificates of Publication. Case No. 9479. (ML 220204) 04/27/2018
8 Office of Staff Counsel - Entry of Appearance of Annette B. Garofalo. Case No. 9479. (ML 220207) 04/30/2018
9 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9479. (ML 220236) 04/30/2018
10 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9479. (ML 220293) 05/03/2018
11 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. May 3, 2018 10:00 a. m. Case No. 9479. (ML 220549) 05/18/2018
12 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Substitution. Case No. 9479. (ML 220624) 05/23/2018
13 Office of Staff Counsel - Entry of Appearances of Annette B. Garofalo, and Peter A. Woolson. Case No. 9479. (ML 220681) 05/30/2018
14 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Evening Hearing for Public Comment. Case No. 9479. (ML 220770) 06/05/2018
15 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Entry of Appearance of Theodore J. Gallagher. Case No 9479 (ML 220855) 06/12/2018
16 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List. Case No. 9479. (ML 220880) 06/13/2018
17 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service list revision. Case No. 9479. (ML 220974) 06/20/2018
18 Office of Staff Counsel - Direct Testimonies of Adesina Jaiyeola, Joanne Hernandez, and Shamika Shelton. Case No. 9479. (ML 220994) 06/20/2018
19 Office of People's Counsel - Direct Testimony of Brendan Larkin-Connolly. Case No. 9479. (ML 220983) 06/20/2018
20 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Certificates of Publication and Notice of Evening Hearings. Case No. 9479. (ML 221045) 06/26/2018
21 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Public Hearing. June 28, 2018 7:00 p. m. Case No. 9479. (ML 221173) 07/05/2018
22 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Publi Hearing June 27, 2018. 7:00 p. m. Case No. 9479. (ML 221175) 07/05/2018
23 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Rebuttal testimony of Jennifer Shikany and Michael Davidson. Case No. 9479. (ML 221188) 07/06/2018
24 Office of Staff Counsel - Rebuttal Testimonies of Juan Carlos Alvarado and Adesina Jaiyeola. Case No. 9479. (ML 221209) 07/09/2018
25 Office of People's Counsel - Rebuttal testimony of Brendan Larkin-Connolly. Case No. 9479. (ML 221210) 07/09/2018
26 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Decline to Submit Surrebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9479. (ML 221316) 07/17/2018
27 Office of People's Counsel - Surrebuttal Testimony of Brendan Larkin-Connolly. Case No. 9479. (ML 221312) 07/17/2018
28 Office of Staff Counsel - Surrebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Joanne Hernandez. Case No. 9479. (ML 221317) 07/17/2018
29 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Suspension of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9479. (ML 221361) 07/20/2018
30 Office of Staff Counsel - Notice of Settlement in Principle and Request Suspension of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9479. (ML 221355) 07/19/2018
31 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Revised Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9479. (ML 221508) 07/31/2018
32 Office of Staff Counsel - Joint Settlement and Stipulation Agreement Case No. 9479. (ML 221580) 08/07/2018
33 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Testimony in Support of Settlement. Case No. 9479. (ML 221585) 08/07/2018
34 Office of People's Counsel - Supplemental Testimony of Brendan Larkin-Connolly. Case No. 9479. (ML 221596) 08/08/2018
35 Office of Staff Counsel - Support of the Joint Settlement and Stipulation. Case No. 9479. (ML 221602) 08/09/2018
36 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Proposed Order. Case No. 9479. (ML 221855) 08/28/2018
37 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date Thursday August 16, 2018. 10:00 a. m. Case No. 9479. (ML 221878) 08/29/2018
38 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Case No. 9479. (ML 222346) 10/01/2018
39 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual IRIS Surcharge Filing. Effective: January 1, 2019. Case No. 9479. (ML 222731) 11/01/2018
40 Office of People's Counsel - Comments. Case Nos. 9332 and 9479. (ML 223193) 12/10/2018
41 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas approving 2019 Project List and accepting proposed surcharges for filing. Case No. 9479. (ML 223221) 12/12/2018
42 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance of Patrick E. O'Laughlin. Case Nos. 9331, 9332, 9335, 9468, 9479, and 9486. (ML 223428) 01/02/2019
43 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service list. Case No. 9479. (ML 223441) 01/03/2019
44 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing and its revised IRIS rates. Case No. 9479. (ML 224316) 03/15/2019
45 Office of People's Counsel - Comments. Case No. 9479. (ML 224760) 04/15/2019
46 Office of People's Counsel - Corrected Comments. Case No. 9479. (ML 224785) 04/16/2019
47 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Replacement Attachments A & B. Annual Stride Reconciliation Factor Filing. Case Nos. 9479 and 9332. (ML 224881) 04/23/2019
48 Office of People's Counsel - Comments. Case No. 9479 (ML 225127) 05/03/2019
49 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas accepting tariff revisions. Case No. 9479. (ML 225177) 05/08/2019
50 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its "Clean Copies" of the Approved Tariff. Effective: May 8, 2019.Case Nos. 9332 and 9479. (ML 225186) 05/08/2019
51 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its "Clean Copies" of the Approved Tariff. Effective: May 8, 2019.Case Nos. 9332 and 9479. (ML 225187) 05/08/2019
52 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Mid-Year Status Update on the 2019 STRIDE Projects. Case No. 9479. (ML 226301) 08/01/2019
53 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas noting STRIDE filing. Case No. 9479. (ML 226900) 09/19/2019
54 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Annual IRIS Surcharge Filing. Effective: January 1, 2020. Case No. 9479. (ML 227349) 11/01/2019
55 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - revised tariff pages. The Company requests approval to Revise its IRIS Rates. Effective: December 18, 2019. Case No. 9479. (ML 227537) 11/18/2019
56 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Additional Information. Case No. 9479. (ML 227542) 11/18/2019
57 Office of People's Counsel - Comments. Case No. 9479. (ML 227847) 12/16/2019
58 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Request to Withdraw. Case No. 9479. (ML 227851) 12/16/2019
59 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - revised tariff pages. The Company requests approval of its 2020 STRIDE project list and associated surcharges. Effective: January 15, 2020. Case No. 9479 (ML 227993) 12/24/2019
60 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its IRIS Replacement Tariff. Case No. 9479. (ML 228100) 01/08/2020
61 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Response to Comments. Case No. 9479. (ML 228111) 01/10/2020
62 Office of People's Counsel - Comments On STRIDE 2020 Project List. Case No. 9479. (ML 228174) 01/14/2020
63 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas directing the Company to amend its project list. Case No. 9479. (ML 228268) 01/22/2020
64 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Amended 2020 STRIDE Project List and Surcharge Proposal. Effective: February, 2020. Case No. 9479. (ML 228333) 01/30/2020
65 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Additional information. Case No. 9479. (ML 228412) 01/31/2020
66 Office of People's Counsel - Comments. Case No. 9479. (ML 228608) 02/14/2020
67 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas approving 2020 STRIDE Project List. Case No. 9479. (ML 228697) 02/20/2020
68 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual Stride Reconciliation Factor Filing including revised IRIS rates. Effective May 1, 2020. Case No. 9479 (ML 229077) 03/13/2020
69 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Additional Information-Updated Exhibit C. Case 9479 (ML 229213) 03/18/2020
70 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas accepting tariff revisions. Case No. 9479. (ML 229909) 04/23/2020
71 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual 2019 STRIDE Audit Report. Case No. 9479 (ML 230038) 04/30/2020
72 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Mid-Year Status Update on the 2020 STRIDE Projects. Case No. 9479. (ML 231279) 07/28/2020
73 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. regarding Mid-Year Status Update on the 2020 STRIDE Projects. Case No. 9479. (ML 231747) 09/03/2020
74 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing and its revised IRIS rates. Effective January 1,2021 Case No. 9479. (ML 232373) 10/29/2020
75 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas Approving 2021 STRIDE Project List. Case No. 9479. (ML 232829) 12/04/2020
76 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing and its revised IRIS rates. Effective May 1, 2021 Case No. 9479. (ML 234156) 03/12/2021
77 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas Accepting Tariff Revisions. Case No. 9479. (ML 235017) 04/29/2021
78 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual 2020 STRIDE Audit Report. Case No. 9479 (ML 235072) 04/30/2021
79 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Mid-Year Status Update on the 2021 STRIDE Projects. Case No. 9479. (ML 236360) 07/30/2021
80 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas Noting Mid-Year Status Update on the 2021 Stride Projects. Case No. 9479. (ML 236888) 09/01/2021
81 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing and its revised IRIS rates. Effective January 1, 2022 Case No. 9479. (ML 237621) 10/29/2021
82 Office of People's Counsel - Withdrawal of Appearance. Case No. 9479 (ML 237643) 11/01/2021
83 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No.9479 (ML 237720) 11/05/2021
84 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Additional Information - Revised Attachment B. Case No. 9479 (ML 237836) 11/16/2021
85 The Commission - Letter Order Approving 2022 STRIDE Project List. Case No. 9479. (ML 238196) 12/15/2021
86 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9479 (ML 238306) 12/22/2021
87 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9479 (ML 238321) 12/22/2021
88 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Withdrawal of Appearance and Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9479 (ML 238881) 02/01/2022
89 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9479 (ML 238891) 02/01/2022
90 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing and its revised IRIS rates. Effective May 1, 2022 Case No. 9479. (ML 239568) 03/15/2022
91 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas accepting tariff revisions. Case No. 9479. (ML 240276) 04/20/2022
92 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual 2021 STRIDE Audit Report. Case No. 9479 (ML 240528) 05/03/2022
93 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9479 (ML 240995) 06/09/2022
94 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9479 (ML 240997) 06/09/2022
95 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Mid-Year Status Update on its STRIDE Projects. Case No. 9479. (ML 241709) 08/01/2022
96 The Commission - Letter Order to Columba Gas of Maryland, Inc. noting STRIDE Progress Report. Case No. 9479. (ML 242135) 08/31/2022
97 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Additional information. Case No. 9479 (ML 242235) 09/08/2022
98 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing and its revised IRIS rates. Effective January 1, 2023. Case No. 9479 (ML 242872) 10/31/2022
99 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Correction to its IRIS Annual Surcharge Filing. Case No 9479 (ML 300244) 11/21/2022
100 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Comments on Staff's Recommendations Regarding Columbia Gas' 2023 STRIDE Project List. Case No 9479 (ML 300393) 12/05/2022
101 Office of People's Counsel - Comments on Columbia Gas of Maryland's 2023 STRIDE Project List. Case No. 9479 (ML 300394) 12/05/2022
102 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas of Maryland approving 2023 STRIDE Project List and associated surcharges. Case No. 9479. (ML 300417) 12/07/2022
103 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Supplemental STRIDE 2023 Project List. Case No. 9479 (ML 300745) 01/05/2023
104 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing and its revised IRIS rates. Effective: May 1, 2023. Case No. 9479 (ML 301824) 03/15/2023
105 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual 2022 STRIDE Audit Report. Case No. 9479 (ML 302619) 04/27/2023
106 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. accepted tariff revisions. Case No. 9479 (ML 302756) 05/03/2023
107 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. noting filing of 2023 STRIDE Supplement Project List. Case No. 9479 (ML 302757) 05/03/2023
108 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Mid-Year Status Update on its STRIDE Projects. Case No. 9479. (ML 304309) 07/28/2023
109 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. noting STRIDE filing. Case No. 9479 (ML 305192) 09/21/2023
110 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its REVISED Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing and its revised IRIS rates. Effective January 1, 2024. Case No. 9709 and 9479 (ML 306288) 11/21/2023
111 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Comments on Staff's Recommendations regarding Columbia’s IRIS Surcharge Filing for Rates. Case No. 9709 and 9479 (ML 306730) 12/18/2023
112 Office of People's Counsel - Comments on Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc.’s Revised Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing and revised IRIS rates. Case No. 9709 and 9479 (ML 306732) 12/18/2023
113 Office of People's Counsel - Supplemental Comments on Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc.’s Revised Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing and revised IRIS rates. Case No. 9709 and 9479 (ML 306760) 12/19/2023
114 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas rejecting proposed surcharges. Case Nos. 9709 and 9479. (ML 306800) 12/20/2023
115 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Revised Tariff Pages. The Company Proposes Revised IRIS rates. Effective: January 1, 2024. Case No. 9709 and 9479 (ML 306826) 12/21/2023
116 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. accepted tariff revisions for filing. Case Nos. 9709 and 9479 (ML 307026) 01/10/2024
117 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing Case No. 9479 (ML 308279) 03/15/2024
118 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Revised Attachment A to the Annual STRIDE Reconciliation Factor Filing. Case No. 9479 (ML 308776) 04/04/2024
119 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Annual 2023 STRIDE Audit Report. Case No. 9479 (ML 309279) 04/26/2024
120 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas noting STRIDE filing. Case No. 9479. (ML 309669) 05/15/2024