Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9487
Date Filed : 06/28/2018


No. Subject Date
1 Maryland-American Water Company - an Application for Authority to Adjust its Existing Schedule of Tariffs and Rates. (ML 221067) 06/28/2018
2 The Commission - Order No. 88760 Case No. 9487. (ML 221097) 06/29/2018
3 Maryland-American Water Company - (1) Attachment A to the Direct Testimony of Ann E. Bulkley (Qualifications and Testimony Listing), and (2) Appendix A to the Direct Testimony of John J. Spanos. Case No. 9487. (ML 221208) 07/09/2018
4 Maryland-American Water Company - Motion for Special Admissions of Jonathan Trotta and Tristan Brown. Case No. 9487. (ML 221243) 07/11/2018
5 Office of Staff Counsel - Entry of Appearances of Lloyd Spivak and Michael Dean. Case No. 9487. (ML 221269) 07/13/2018
6 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference. Case No. 9487. (ML 221273) 07/13/2018
7 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearances for Mikhail Raykher and Anna K. Ryon. Case No. 9487. (ML 221308) 07/17/2018
8 Maryland-American Water Company - Entry of Appearance - Jonathan Trotta. Case No. 9487. (ML 221425) 07/25/2018
9 Stark and Keenan, P.A. - Petition to Intervene of the Town of Belair. Case No. 9487. (ML 221590) 08/07/2018
10 Stark and Keenan, P.A. - Entry of Appearances for Charles B. Keenan, Jr., and Elizabeth H. Thompson. Case No. 9487. (ML 221591) 08/08/2018
11 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9487. (ML 221597) 08/08/2018
12 Maryland-American Water Company - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference. Case No. 9487. (ML 221612) 08/09/2018
13 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9487. (ML 221627) 08/10/2018
14 Maryland-American Water Company - Affidavit of Distribution. Case No. 9487. (ML 221620) 08/10/2018
15 The Commission - Order No. 88792 Case No. 9487. (ML 221658) 08/14/2018
16 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date Prehearing Conference. August 10, 2018. 10:00 a. m. Case No. 9487. (ML 221717) 08/17/2018
17 Town of Bel Air, Maryland - Direct Testimony - L. Jesse Bane. Case No. 9487. (ML 222015) 09/07/2018
18 Office of Staff Counsel - Direct Testimonies and Exhibits of Juan C. Alvarado, Felix L. Patterson, Scott J. Rubin, Karen L. Sucklling, Jennifer A. Ward, and Zenon Sushko. PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL. Case No. 9487. (ML 222058) 09/11/2018
19 Office of People's Counsel - Direct Testimonies of Marlon F. Griffing, Jerome D. Mierzwa, and Dante Mugrace, PUBLIC. And Direct Testimony of Dante Mugrace , CONFIDENTIAL. Case No. 9487. (ML 222057) 09/11/2018
20 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Evening Public Comment Hearing. Case No. 9487. (ML 222196) 09/20/2018
21 Maryland-American Water Company - Rebuttal Testimonies and Exhibits of Gary L. Akmentins, Ann E. Bulkley, Charisse L. Cephas, Charles Rea, John J. Spanos, and John S. Tomac. Case No. 9487. (ML 222367) 10/02/2018
22 Office of People's Counsel - Rebuttal Testimony of Marlon F. Griffing, Jerome D. Mierzwa, and Dante Mugrace. Case No. 9487. (ML 222368) 10/02/2018
23 Office of Staff Counsel - Rebuttal Testimony of Scott J. Rubin and Jennifer Ward. Case No. 9487. (ML 222369) 10/02/2018
24 Office of People's Counsel - Request Suspension of the Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9487. (ML 222553) 10/18/2018
25 Maryland-American Water Company - Notice of Evening Hearing for Public Comment. Case No. 9487. (ML 222582) 10/22/2018
26 Maryland-American Water Company - Request for a Waiver and Extension of Statutory Suspension Period. Case No. 9487. (ML 222593) 10/24/2018
27 Maryland-American Water Company - Request to Amend Effective Date. Case No. 9487. (ML 222600) 10/24/2018
28 Maryland-American Water Company - Certificates of Publication of Evening Hearing. Case No. 9487. (ML 222602) 10/25/2018
29 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Modification of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9487. (ML 222609) 10/25/2018
30 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List. Case No. 9487. (ML 222610) 10/25/2018
31 The Commission - Order No. 88893 Case No. 9487. (ML 222618) 10/26/2018
32 Town of Bel Air - Petition to Withdraw as a Party and to Continue Participation as an Interested Person. Case No. 9487. (ML 222608) 10/25/2018
33 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service list revision. Case No. 9487. (ML 222652) 10/29/2018
34 Warwick Apartments Associates Limited Partnership - Hickory Condo LLC - Petition to Intervene and Entry of Appearances of Christopher R. Mellott, and Viktoriya M. Shpigelman. Case No. 9487. (ML 222692) 10/31/2018
35 Venable LLP - Comments. Case No. 9487. (ML 222713) 11/01/2018
36 Hickory Hills Condominium Association, Inc. Kings Crossing Condominium Association, Inc and Moores Mill Crossing Condominium Association, Inc - Comments. Case No. 9487. (ML 222736) 11/02/2018
37 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service list revision. Case No. 9487. (ML 222722) 11/01/2018
38 Maryland-American Water Company - Joint Petition for Adoption of Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. Case No. 9487. (ML 222730) 11/01/2018
39 Maryland American Water Company - Authority to Adjust Existing Schedule of Tariffs and Rates. CONFIDENTIAL. Case No 9487. (ML 222748) 11/02/2018
40 Maryland-American Water Company - Attachment 1 and 2 Tariff Clean. C ase No. 9487. (ML 222752) 11/02/2018
41 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice Directing Response to Motion to Intervene. Case No. 9487. (ML 222777) 11/05/2018
42 Hickory Hills Condominium Association, Inc. - Request to Join in the Petition to Intervene. Case No. 9487. (ML 222769) 11/05/2018
43 Office of People's Counsel - Response to Motion to Intervene. Case No. 9487. (ML 222802) 11/07/2018
44 Maryland-American Water Company - Response to Petition to Intervene. Case No. 9487. (ML 222804) 11/07/2018
45 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Public Hearing October 22, 2018. 7:00 p. m. Case No. 9487. (ML 222812) 11/08/2018
46 Office of Staff Counsel - Reply to Motion to Intervene. Case No. 9487. (ML 222805) 11/07/2018
47 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Ruling on Petitions to Intervene. Case No. 9487. (ML 222823) 11/08/2018
48 Maryland-American Water Company - Settlement Testimony of Garl L. Akmentins. Case No. 9487. (ML 222885) 11/14/2018
49 Office of Staff Counsel - Testimony in Support of Settlement, Jennifer Ward and Felix L. Patterson. Case No. 9487. (ML 222882) 11/14/2018
50 Warwick Apartments Associates Limited Partnership - Hickory Condo LLC - Direct Testimony of Frank W. Radigan and Residential Real Estate Holdings, LLC, Del Plaza Properties LLC, and Hickory Hills Condominium Association, Inc. Case No. 9487. (ML 222889) 11/14/2018
51 Office of People's Counsel - Settlement Testimony of Dante Mugrace. Case No. 9487. (ML 222891) 11/14/2018
52 Maryland American Water Company - Response to Bench Data Request No 1. CONFIDENTIAL. Case No. 9487. (ML 223032) 11/27/2018
53 CRC Salomon, Inc - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. November 19, 2018. 1:00 p. m. Case No. 9487. (ML 223040) 11/28/2018
54 Maryland-American Water Company - Post Hearing Initial Brief. Case No. 9487. (ML 223125) 12/03/2018
55 Warwick Apartments Associates Limited Partnership - Hickory Condo LLC - Post Hearing Brief. Case No. 9487. (ML 223123) 12/03/2018
56 Office of People's Counsel - Settlement Brief. Case No. 9487. (ML 223121) 12/03/2018
57 Maryland-American Water Company - Reply Brief. Case No. 9487. (ML 223199) 12/10/2018
58 Warwick Apartments Associates Limited Partnership - Hickory Condo LLC - Reply Brief. Case No. 9487. (ML 223197) 12/10/2018
59 Office of People's Counsel - Reply Brief. Case No. 9487. (ML 223198) 12/10/2018
60 Maryland-American Water Company - Notice of In-Service Status of Impoundment. Case No. 9487. (ML 223561) 01/10/2019
61 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Proposed Order. Case No. 9487. (ML 223658) 01/17/2019
62 Maryland-American Water Company - Request the Commission amend ordering clauses 4 and 6 and footnote 62 of Proposed Order. Case No: 9487 (ML 223745) 01/24/2019
63 The Commission - Order No. 89022 Case No. 9487. (ML 223875) 02/05/2019
64 Maryland-American Water Company - revised tariff pages. The Company proposes to revise the rates and rules governing the distribution and sale of water in Bel Air and other territory adjacent thereto. Effective: February 5, 2019. Case No. 9487. (ML 223888) 02/06/2019
65 The Commission - Letter Order accepting tariff revisions. Case No. 9487. (ML 224120) 02/27/2019
66 Maryland American Water - Joint Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. Case No. 9487. (ML 224424) 03/25/2019
67 Maryland American Water - Joint Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. Case No. 9487. (ML 226983) 09/30/2019
68 Maryland-American Water Company - its Bel-Air Impoundment Property Tax Rider. Effective August 3,2020. (ML 231222) 07/22/2020
69 The Commission - Letter Order to Maryland-American Water Company accepted tariff pages. Case No. 9487. (ML 231541) 08/19/2020
70 Maryland-American Water Company - its Bel-Air Impoundment Property Tax Rider. Effective August 1, 2021. Case No. 9487. (ML 235984) 07/01/2021
71 The Commission - Letter Order to Maryland-American Water Company accepted tariff pages. Case No. 9487. (ML 236325) 07/28/2021
72 Maryland-American Water Company - Bel Air Impoundment Property Tax Rider Reconciliation. Case No. 9487 (ML 236633) 08/16/2021
73 Maryland-American Water Company - Additional Information. Case No. 9487 (ML 236963) 09/09/2021
74 The Commission - Letter Order to Maryland-American Water Company regarding Bel Air Impoundment Property Tax Rider Reconciliation. Case No. 9487. (ML 237216) 09/29/2021
75 Maryland-American Water Company - Bel Air Impoundment Property Tax Rider. Case No. 9487 (ML 241466) 07/13/2022
76 Maryland-American Water Company - Additional Information. Case No. 9487 (ML 241554) 07/21/2022
77 Office of People's Counsel - its Comments in Support of Staff's Recommendation. Case No. 9487 (ML 241708) 08/01/2022
78 The Commission - Letter Order to Maryland Water Service, Inc. accepting tariff revisions. Case No. 9487. (ML 241764) 08/03/2022
79 Maryland-American Water Company - Bel Air Impoundment Property Tax Rider Reconciliation. Case No. 9487 (ML 303990) 07/10/2023
80 Office of People's Counsel - Withdraw and Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9487 (ML 304004) 07/11/2023
81 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9487 (ML 304016) 07/12/2023
82 The Commission - Letter Order to Maryland-American Water Company accepting tariff revisions. Case No. 9487 (ML 304304) 07/27/2023
83 Maryland-American Water Company - Bel Air Impoundment Property Tax Rider Reconciliation. Case No. 9487 (ML 310697) 07/08/2024
84 The Commission - Letter Order to Maryland American Water Company authorizing the Company to refund over-collection and accepting revised tariff pages for filing. Case No. 9487 (ML 311088) 07/24/2024