Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9628
Date Filed : 11/18/2019


No. Subject Date
1 Skipjack Offshore Energy, LLC - Motion to Bifurcate Proceeding. Case No. 9431 (ML 227408) 11/07/2019
2 The Commission - Order Granting Motion to Bifurcate, and Establishing New Dockets. Case Nos. 9431, 9628, 9629. (ML 227545) 11/18/2019
3 US Wind, Inc. - Supplier Diversity Report for the Reporting Period May, 2019 through November 2019 Summary. PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL. Case No. 9628. (ML 227602) 11/22/2019
4 US Wind - OREC Annual Report. PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL. Case No. 9628. (ML 227632) 11/25/2019
5 The Commission - Service list. Case No. 9628. (ML 227818) 12/13/2019
6 The Commission - Order No. 89395. Case No. 9628 and 9629 (ML 227831) 12/13/2019
7 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance - Case Nos. 9628 and 9629. (ML 227953) 12/20/2019
8 The Commission - Notice of Hearing for Public Comment on Changes in Turbine Selection. Case No. 9628 and 9629 (ML 227998) 12/27/2019
9 Town of Ocean City, Maryland - Petition to Intervene. Case No. 9628 and 9629 (ML 227997) 12/26/2019
10 The Commission - Case Nos. 9628 and 9629. (ML 228112) 01/10/2020
11 The Commission - Notice of NEW Room Location for Hearing for Public Comment on Changes in Turbine Selection. Case No. 9628 and 9629. (ML 228121) 01/10/2020
12 The Commission - Service list. Case No. 9628. (ML 228235) 01/21/2020
13 - Service list. Case No. 9628. (ML 228259) 01/22/2020
14 US WIND INC - Compliance filing. Case No. 9628. (ML 228230) 01/21/2020
15 Town of Ocean City, Maryland - Response to Notice of Opportunity to Comment and Request for Evidentiary Hearing. Case No. 9628 And 9629. (ML 228413) 01/31/2020
16 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Public Hearing. January 18, 2020 12:00 p. m. Case Nos. 9628 and 9629. (ML 228342) 01/30/2020
17 The Commission - Case No. 9628. (ML 228580) 02/13/2020
18 NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC - Petition to Intervene. Case No. 9628 (ML 228700) 02/20/2020
19 NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC - Motion for Expedited Clarification or in the Alternative Modification. Case No. 9628 (ML 228701) 02/20/2020
20 Exelon Corporation - Petition to Intervene and Comments in Support of Next Era Energy Marketing, LLC (ML 228867) 02/28/2020
21 US WIND INC. - 2019 Annual Report Update CONFIDENTIAL and PUBLIC. . Case No. 9628. (ML 228881) 03/02/2020
22 Business Network for Offshore Wind - Service list revision. Case No. 9628. (ML 228990) 03/09/2020
23 - Service list. Case No. 9628. (ML 229035) 03/12/2020
24 Staff of the Public Service Commission - Responses - Petitions for Intervention U..S. Wind Offshore Wind Project . (S-1920 & S-1921). Case No. 9628 (ML 229163) 03/16/2020
25 Staff of the Public Service Commission - its Response to the Motion of NextEra Energy Marketing  U.S Wind Offshore Wind Project. Case No. 9628 (ML 229346) 03/27/2020
26 Office of People's Counsel - Response to Motion. Case No. 9628 (ML 229586) 04/03/2020
27 The Commission - Letter Order granting Petitions to Intervene. Case No. 9628. (ML 229777) 04/16/2020
28 The Commission - Letter Order granting motion for clarifcation. Case No. 9628. (ML 229778) 04/16/2020
29 U.S. Wind, Inc. - its Site Assessment Plan (SAP) Amendment. (Public and Confidential). Case No.9628 (ML 230248) 05/15/2020
30 U.S. WIND - Construction and Operations Plan (CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9628 (ML 231717) 09/02/2020
31 US WIND INC. - Notice of Investment. Case No. 9628 (ML 231963) 09/29/2020
32 US WIND INC. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. (CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9628 (ML 232499) 11/05/2020
33 US WIND INC. - Site Assessment Plan Revisions. (CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9628 (ML 232500) 11/05/2020
34 US WIND INC. - 2020 Annual Report. (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL). Case No.9628 (ML 232994) 12/16/2020
35 U.S. Wind, Inc. - its Supplier Diversity Report for the period covering December, 2019 through November, 2020 (CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9628 (ML 232693) 11/23/2020
36 U.S. Wind, Inc. - Supplier Diversity Report for the period covering December, 2019 through November 2020. Case No. 9628 (ML 232692) 11/23/2020
37 US Wind Inc - its Supplier Diversity Report for the Period of December 2020 through May 2021. Case No. 9628. PC52 (ML 235228) 05/12/2021
38 US Wind - its Supplier Diversity Report for the Period of May 2021 through November 2021. Case No. 9628. (Public and Confidential) (ML 237771) 11/11/2021
39 US Wind, Inc. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. (CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9628 (ML 238431) 01/04/2022
40 US Wind, Inc. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. Case No. 9628 (ML 238433) 01/04/2022
41 US Wind, Inc. - 2021 Annual Report. (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL). Case No. 9628 (ML 238621) 01/18/2022
42 US Wind, Inc. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. Case No. 9628 (ML 239830) 03/29/2022
43 US Wind, Inc. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. (Confidential). Case No. 9628 (ML 239831) 03/29/2022
44 US Wind, Inc. - Proposed Offshore Wind Project-Project Marwin - Updated Estimated Project Commercial Operation Date. Case No. 9628. (ML 240177) 04/13/2022
45 US Wind - Supplier Diversity Report for the period covering November, 2021 through May 2022. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 240639) 05/11/2022
46 Office of People's Counsel - Withdraw and Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9628 (ML 240698) 05/16/2022
47 Office of People's Counsel - Response Comments to US Wind's Updated Project Marwin Commercial Operation Date. Case No. 9628 (ML 240703) 05/16/2022
48 The Commission - Service list. Case No. 9628. (ML 240707) 05/16/2022
49 The Commission - Letter Order to US Wind, Inc. regarding MarWin project. Case No. 9628. (ML 240738) 05/18/2022
50 US Wind - Compliance Filling - Plan of Milestone Completion Dates. Case No. 9628 (ML 240761) 05/19/2022
51 U.S. Wind, Inc. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. Case No. 9628 (ML 241165) 06/21/2022
52 U.S. Wind, Inc. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. (Confidential). Case No. 9628 (ML 241166) 06/21/2022
53 US Wind - Supplier Diversity Report for the period covering May 2022 through November 2022. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 300101) 11/10/2022
54 Skipjack Offshore Energy, LLC - Supplier Diversity Report for the period covering May 2022 through November 2022. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 300146) 11/14/2022
55 U.S. Wind, Inc. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 (ML 300477) 12/13/2022
56 U.S. Wind, Inc. - 2022 Annual Report. (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL). Case No. 9628 (ML 300899) 01/17/2023
57 The Commission - Notice of Promoting Offshore Wind Energy Resources Act Exemption Application Process. Case No. 9628, 9629 and 9666 (ML 302790) 05/05/2023
58 US Wind, Inc. and Marwin Wind and Momentum Wind - Supplier Diversity Report for the period covering November, 2022 through May 2023. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 302884) 05/11/2023
59 The Commission - Revised Notice of Promoting Offshore Wind Energy Resources Act Exemption Application Process. Case No. 9628, 9629 and 9666 (ML 303198) 05/30/2023
60 U.S. Wind, Inc. - its Amendments to Volumes I and II of its Construction and Operations Plan.(Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 (ML 304511) 08/10/2023
61 U.S. Wind, Inc. - Supplier Diversity Report For the Reporting Period May, 2023 through November 2023, Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 306051) 11/09/2023
62 U.S. Wind, Inc. - 2023 Annual Report. (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL). Case No. 9628 (ML 307315) 01/29/2024
63 US Wind, Inc. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. Case No. 9628 (ML 307970) 03/04/2024
64 U.S. Wind, Inc. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. (Confidential). Case No. 9628 (ML 307971) 03/04/2024
65 The Commission - Notice of Revised Round 2 Offshore Wind Project Application Review and Proceeding. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 309567) 05/10/2024
66 US Wind - Supplier Diversity Report for the period covering November 2023 through May 2024. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 309585) 05/10/2024
67 The Commission - Notice of Revised Round 2 Offshore Wind Prehearing Conference. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 309892) 05/28/2024
68 US Wind, Inc. - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 (ML 310019) 06/03/2024
69 Skipjack Offshore Energy, LLC - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 310034) 06/03/2024
70 The Commission - Service List. Case No. 9628. (ML 310189) 06/10/2024
71 The Commission - Service List. Case No. 9628. (ML 310582) 07/01/2024
72 Maryland Energy Administration - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9628 (ML 311004) 07/19/2024
73 The Commission - Service List. Case No. 9628. (ML 311006) 07/19/2024
74 US Wind - Service List Update. Case Nos. 9666, 9628, 9629 (ML 311089) 07/24/2024
75 The Commission - Service list. Case No. 9628. (ML 311093) 07/24/2024
76 US Wind - Amendment to Construction and Operations Plan. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 (ML 311165) 07/26/2024
77 Maryland Department of Natural Resources - Petition to Intervene. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 311331) 08/01/2024
78 The Commission - Service List. Case No. 9628. (ML 311335) 08/01/2024
79 Sierra Club - Petition to Intervene and Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 311365) 08/01/2024
80 The Commission - Service List. Case No. 9628. (ML 311370) 08/01/2024
81 Skipjack Offshore Energy LLC - Request for Interested Person Status. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 311398) 08/02/2024
82 The Commission - Service List. Case No. 9628. (ML 311408) 08/02/2024
83 The Commission - Revised Notice of Hearing (Change in Location) Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 311433) 08/05/2024
84 The Commission - Order No. 91278 on Revised Round 2 OSW Procedural Order. Case No. 9666 and 9628 (ML 311539) 08/08/2024
85 The Commission - Notice of Virtual Public Comment Hearing. Case No. 9666 and 9628 (ML 311540) 08/08/2024
86 US Wind - Errata to Application. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 311675) 08/14/2024
87 Maryland League of Conservation Voters - Entry of Appearance and Motion for Special Admission Pro Hac Vice. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 311840) 08/22/2024
88 The Commission - Service List. Case No. 9628. (ML 311843) 08/22/2024
89 CRC Salomon, Inc - Stenographers Record Hearing Date: August 7, 2024, 10:00 a.m. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 311945) 08/27/2024
90 The Commission - Notice of Application Completeness. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 311987) 08/29/2024
91 US Wind - Direct Testimony. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 312157) 09/06/2024
92 Maryland Department of Natural Resources - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 312748) 10/07/2024
93 Maryland Energy Administration - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 312749) 10/07/2024
94 Maryland Energy Administration - Direct Testimony. (Confidential) Case No. 9628 and 9666 (ML 312750) 10/07/2024
95 The Commission - Notice of Registration Extension for Public Comment. Case No. 9666 and 9628 (ML 312844) 10/11/2024