Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9651
Date Filed : 08/28/2020


No. Subject Date
1 Washington Gas Light Company - its Application for Authority to Increase its Exisiting Rates and Charges and to Revise Its Terms and Conditions for Gas Services. (PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL) (ML 231646) 08/28/2020
2 Washington Gas Light Company - its Cost Allocation and Inter-Compqany Pricing Manual. Case No. 9651 (ML 231647) 08/28/2020
3 The Commission - Order No. 89628 Initiating Docket, Suspending Tariff Revisions, and Scheduling Prehearing Conference. Case No. 9651 (ML 231672) 08/31/2020
4 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9651 (ML 231686) 09/01/2020
5 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference. Case No. 9651 (ML 231758) 09/08/2020
6 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9651 (ML 231761) 09/08/2020
7 Office of Staff Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9651 (ML 231798) 09/10/2020
8 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9651 (ML 231861) 09/16/2020
9 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Petition to Intervene. Case No. 9651 (ML 231867) 09/16/2020
10 U.S. General Services Administration - Petition to Intervene and Notice of Appearance. Case No. 9651 (ML 231943) 09/24/2020
11 Washington Gas Light Company - Certificate of Publication of Notice of Prehearing Conference. Case No. 9651 (ML 231949) 09/25/2020
12 Montgomery County, Maryland - Petition to Intervene - Case No. 9651 (ML 231951) 09/25/2020
13 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9651 (ML 231952) 09/25/2020
14 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List. Case No. 9651 (ML 231955) 09/28/2020
15 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9651 (ML 232047) 10/06/2020
16 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Motion for Special Admission of Frann Francis. Case No. 9651 (ML 232055) 10/07/2020
17 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Motion for Special Admission of Excetral K. Caldwell, Esq. Case No. 9651 (ML 232056) 10/07/2020
18 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. September 28, 2020 at 10 a.m.. (All participates appearing remotely). Case No. 9651 (ML 232262) 10/21/2020
19 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Motion for Pro Hac Vice Granted for Frann Francis and Excetral Caldwell. Case No. 9651 (ML 232589) 11/13/2020
20 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Proprietary Agreements. Case No. 9651 (ML 232642) 11/18/2020
21 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Proprietary Agreements. Case No. 9651 (ML 232643) 11/18/2020
22 Office of Staff Counsel - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9651 (Public and CONFIDENTIAL) (ML 232685) 11/20/2020
23 Office of People's Counsel - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9651 (CONFIDENTIAL) (ML 232687) 11/20/2020
24 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9651 (ML 232688) 11/20/2020
25 Office of People's Counsel - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9651 (ML 232686) 11/20/2020
26 Office of Staff Counsel - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9651 (ML 232694) 11/23/2020
27 Office of Staff Counsel - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9651 (ML 232824) 12/03/2020
28 Washington Gas Light Company - Rebuttal testimony. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9651 (ML 232876) 12/08/2020
29 Office of People's Counsel - Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9651 (ML 232878) 12/08/2020
30 Office of Staff Counsel - Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9651 (ML 232881) 12/08/2020
31 United States General Services Administration - Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9651 (ML 232883) 12/08/2020
32 Office of People's Counsel - Surrebuttal Testimony. (PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL) Case No. 9651 (ML 233041) 12/21/2020
33 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Surrebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9651 (ML 233042) 12/21/2020
34 Office of Staff Counsel - Surrebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9651 (ML 233044) 12/21/2020
35 Washington Gas Light Company - Substitution of Witness. Case No. 9651 (ML 233101) 12/23/2020
36 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Public Comment Hearing. Case No. 9651 (ML 233170) 01/04/2021
37 The Commission - Order No.89684 - 30 Day Extension. Case No. 9651 (ML 233174) 01/04/2021
38 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Errata to Direct Testimony of Bruce Oliver. Case No. 9651 (ML 233175) 01/04/2021
39 Office of Staff Counsel - Comparison Chart of Party Positions. Case No. 9651 (ML 233184) 01/05/2021
40 Office of Staff Counsel - (CORRECTED) Comparison Chart of Party Positions. Case No. 9651 (ML 233231) 01/08/2021
41 Montgomery County, Maryland - Comments. Case No. 9651 (ML 233468) 01/26/2021
42 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Post Hearing Brief. Case No. 9651 (ML 233473) 01/26/2021
43 Washington Gas Light Company - Brief. Case No. 9651 (ML 233474) 01/26/2021
44 U.S. General Services Administration - Post Hearing Brief. Case No. 9651 (ML 233475) 01/26/2021
45 Office of People's Counsel - Post Hearing Brief. Case No. 9651 (ML 233477) 01/26/2021
46 Staff of the Maryland Public Service Commission - Brief. Case No. 9651 (ML 233478) 01/27/2021
47 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Public Hearing. January 07, 2021. 10:00 a.m. (All Participants Appearing Remotely). Case No. 9651 (ML 233492) 01/27/2021
48 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Public Hearing. January 08, 2021. 10:00 a.m. (All Participants Appearing Remotely). Case No. 9651 (ML 233494) 01/27/2021
49 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Public Hearing. January 11, 2021. 10:00 a.m. (All Participants Appearing Remotely). Case No. 9651 (ML 233495) 01/27/2021
50 Washington Gas Light Company - Notice of Transcript Corrections. Case No. 9651 (ML 233617) 02/02/2021
51 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Proposed Order. Case No. 9651 (ML 233744) 02/12/2021
52 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Errata to Proposed Order. Case No. 9651 (ML 233832) 02/19/2021
53 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Public Hearing. January 27, 2021. 06:00 p.m. (All Participants Appearing Remotely). Case No. 9651 (ML 233892) 02/24/2021
54 Washington Gas Light Company - Notice of Appeal and Memorandum on Appeal. Case No. 9651 (ML 233953) 02/26/2021
55 Office of People's Counsel - Notice of Appeal and Memorandum on Appeal . Case No. 9651 (ML 233954) 02/26/2021
56 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Notice of Appeal. Case No. 9651 (ML 233955) 02/26/2021
57 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Memorandum on Appeal. Case No 9651 (ML 233956) 02/26/2021
58 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Appeal. Case No. 9651 (ML 233967) 03/01/2021
59 Washington Gas Light Company - Reply Memorandum on Appeal. Case No. 9651 (ML 234083) 03/09/2021
60 Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington - Reply Memorandum on Appeal. Case No. 9651 (ML 234087) 03/09/2021
61 Office of People's Counsel - Reply Memorandum on Appeal. Case No. 9651 (ML 234088) 03/09/2021
62 Office of Staff Counsel - Motion to File Reply Memorandum Late and Reply Memorandum. Case No. 9651 (ML 234111) 03/10/2021
63 Office of People's Counsel - Ltrs. to Party(ies). Case No. 9651 (ML 234142) 03/11/2021
64 Washington Gas Light Company - Stipulation. Case No. 9651 (ML 234236) 03/17/2021
65 Washington Gas Light Company - Motion for Clarification and or Authorization. Case No. 9651 (ML 234300) 03/23/2021
66 Washington Gas Light Company - Revised Motion for Clarification and or Authorization. Case No. 9651 (ML 234316) 03/24/2021
67 The Commission - Order No. 89799 on Appeal of Proposed Order. Case No. 9651 (ML 234703) 04/09/2021
68 Washington Gas Light Company - Treatment of Unbilled Revenue from Non-Firm Customers. Case No. 9651 (ML 234783) 04/14/2021
69 Washington Gas Light Company - revised tariff pages. The Company proposes to Revise Base Rates. Case No. 9651 (ML 234840) 04/16/2021
70 Washington Gas Light Company - Further Revisions to Revised Tariff pages. Case No. 9651 (ML 234944) 04/23/2021
71 The Commission - Letter Order to WGL Company Accepting Tariff Revisions. Case No. 9651. (ML 235016) 04/29/2021
72 Office of People's Counsel - Petition for Rehearing. Case No. 9651 (ML 235195) 05/10/2021
73 Washington Gas Light Company - Motion for Leave to File Opposition. Case No.9651 (ML 235583) 06/02/2021
74 Washington Gas Light Company - Opposition to OPC's Petition for Rehearing. Case No.9651 (ML 235584) 06/02/2021
75 The Commission - Order No. 89893 - Order Denying Rehearing. Case No. 9651 (ML 236345) 07/29/2021
76 Washington Gas Light Company - its Quarterly Return Earned Analysis for the twelve months ending September 30, 2021. (Public and Confidential) (ML 238010) 11/30/2021
77 Washington Gas Light Company - its Quarterly Return Earned Analysis for the twelve months ending June 30, 2021. (Public and Confidential) (ML 238009) 11/30/2021
78 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9651 (ML 241005) 06/09/2022
79 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9651 (ML 241028) 06/10/2022
80 Washington Gas Light Company - Cost Allocation Manual and Independent Audit Opinion. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9651 (ML 242831) 10/27/2022
81 Washington Gas Light Company - Update to Service List. Case No. 9035, 9335, 9362, 9373, 9430, 9445, 9449, 9461, 9486, 9509, 9622, 9639, 9648, 9651, 9673, 9704, 9705, 9708, 9737, 9745, 9749, and 9778. PC44, PC52, PC53, PC55/RM78, PC56, PC57/RM82, PC59, PC60, PC64, PC65, PC67, RM52, RM70, RM73, RM76, and RM86. (ML 315714) 02/12/2025
82 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9651 (ML 315779) 02/13/2025