Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9663
Date Filed : 04/27/2021


No. Subject Date
1 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - its Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Construct a 175 MW Solar Photovoltaic Generating Facility in Garrett County, Maryland. Case No. 9663 (ML 234983) 04/27/2021
2 Staff of the Maryland Public Service Commission - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9663 (ML 235097) 05/03/2021
3 The Commission - Delegation to PULJ. Case No. 9663 (ML 235132) 05/04/2021
4 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9663 (ML 235157) 05/05/2021
5 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference. Case No. 9663 (ML 235343) 05/20/2021
6 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9663 (ML 235344) 05/20/2021
7 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Proposed Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9663 (ML 235724) 06/11/2021
8 PPRP/ DNR - Administrative Completeness Review Letter. Case No. 9663 (ML 235774) 06/15/2021
9 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Certificates of Publication. Case No.9663 (ML 235797) 06/18/2021
10 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Updated Glint and Glare Report. Case No. 9663 (ML 235965) 06/30/2021
11 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Procedural Schedule and First Public Comment Hearing. Case No. 9663 (ML 236032) 07/06/2021
12 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List. Case No. 9663 (ML 236033) 07/06/2021
13 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Ltrs. to Party(ies). Case No. 9663 (ML 236034) 07/06/2021
14 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - First Public Comment Hearing Notices. Case No. 9663 (ML 236382) 08/02/2021
15 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9663 (ML 236412) 08/03/2021
16 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Certificates of Publication. Case No. 9663 (ML 236443) 08/04/2021
17 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9663 (ML 236481) 08/06/2021
18 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9663 (ML 236769) 08/24/2021
19 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Second Public Comment Hearing. Case No. 9663 (ML 236770) 08/24/2021
20 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Revised Preliminary Site Plan. Case No. 9663 (ML 236794) 08/25/2021
21 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. August 03, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. (All Participants Appearing Remotely) Case No. 9663 (ML 236847) 08/30/2021
22 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Notice of Exemption to Appropriate and Use Waters of the State. Case No. 9663 (ML 237029) 09/14/2021
23 Staff of the Maryland Public Service Commission - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9663 (ML 237392) 10/13/2021
24 DNR - PPRP - Direct Testimony and Exhibits. Case No. 9663 (ML 237395) 10/13/2021
25 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Certificates of Publication. Case No. 9663 (ML 237417) 10/15/2021
26 DNR - PPRP - Supplemental Testimony. Case No. 9663 (ML 237524) 10/21/2021
27 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Settlement Status Update. Case No. 9663 (ML 237528) 10/21/2021
28 DNR/PPRP - Errata to Exhibits. Case No. 9663 (ML 237544) 10/22/2021
29 Office of People's Counsel - Withdrawal of Appearance. Case No 9663 (ML 237654) 11/01/2021
30 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9663 (ML 237667) 11/01/2021
31 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Certificates of Publication. Case No. 9663 (ML 237718) 11/05/2021
32 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. Monday, October 25, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (All Participants Appearing Remotely). Case No. 9663 (ML 237749) 11/09/2021
33 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing. Date: October 18, 2021 at 7:00 P.M (All Participants Appearing Remotely). Case No. 9663 (ML 237760) 11/10/2021
34 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Proposed Order. Case No. 9663 (ML 238415) 01/03/2022
35 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9663 (ML 238416) 01/03/2022
36 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - PPRP Condition 5 Filing. Case No. 9663 (ML 238427) 01/04/2022
37 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Final Order. Case No. 9663 (ML 238493) 01/11/2022
38 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - PPRP Condition 17 Filing. Case No. 9663 (ML 238531) 01/13/2022
39 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - its Request to Amend CPCN Pursuant to PPRP Conditions 2 and 30 to Authorize Fixed-Tilt Panels. Case No. 9663 (ML 240814) 05/24/2022
40 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - its Request for Approval of Decommissioning Plan Pursuant to PPRP Condition 36. Case No. 9663 (ML 240821) 05/25/2022
41 DNR - PPRP - Comments. Case No. 9663 (ML 241334) 07/04/2022
42 DNR/ PPRP - Glare Analysis. Case No. 9663 (ML 241349) 07/05/2022
43 The Commission - Letter Order to CPV Backbone Solar, LLC approving Request to Amend PPRP Conditions 2 and 30. Case No. 9663. (ML 241374) 07/07/2022
44 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - its Revision to its Request for Approval of Decommissioning Plan Pursuant to PPRP Condition 36. Case No. 9663 (ML 241510) 07/18/2022
45 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - its Errata to its Revised Decommissioning Plan for Approval Pursuant to PPRP Condition 36. Case No. 9663 (ML 241609) 07/25/2022
46 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - PPRP Conditions 24, 25, and 38. Case No. 9663 (ML 241789) 08/05/2022
47 DNR/ PPRP - Comments. Case No. 9663 (ML 242001) 08/22/2022
48 The Commission - Letter Order to CPV Backbone Solar, LLC approving Decommissioning Plan. Case No. 9663. (ML 242036) 08/25/2022
49 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - its Request for Approval of the Final Site Plan and to Amend the CPCN Issued for the Construction of the Project pursuant to Power Plant Research Program Conditions 2 and 30 to Authorize the Use of Fixed-Tilt Panels on the Entire Project Site. Case No. 9663 (ML 301309) 02/14/2023
50 Office of People's Counsel - Withdrawal and Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9663 (ML 301544) 02/28/2023
51 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9663 (ML 301597) 03/02/2023
52 DNR/ PPRP - Comments on CPV Backbone Solar, LLC's Request for Approval of the Final Site Plan and Second Request to Amend CPCN. Case No. 9663 (ML 301671) 03/08/2023
53 The Commission - Letter Order to CPV Backbone Solar, LLC approving final site plan and allowing fixed-tilt panels for project. Case No. 9663 (ML 301813) 03/15/2023
54 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - its Annually Renewable Site Decommissioning Bond. Compliance filing. (Confidential) Case No. 9663 (ML 302033) 03/29/2023
55 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Staff Conditions 3 and 4. Case No. 9663 (ML 302375) 04/13/2023
56 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - PPRP Condition 16. Case No. 9663 (ML 302394) 04/13/2023
57 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - PPRP Condition 23. Case No. 9663 (ML 302754) 05/03/2023
58 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Request to Amend CPCN to Authorize Use of Reserve Area. Case No. 9663 (ML 308232) 03/14/2024
59 Office of Staff Counsel - Withdrawal of Appearance. Case No. 9663 (ML 308238) 03/14/2024
60 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9663 (ML 308260) 03/15/2024
61 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9663 (ML 308320) 03/19/2024
62 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9663 (ML 308324) 03/19/2024
63 DNR/ PPRP - Comments on CPV Backbone Solar LLC’s Request to Amend CPCN to Authorize Use of Reserve Area. Case No. 9663 (ML 309471) 05/06/2024
64 The Commission - Letter Order to CPV Backbone Solar, LLC authorizing use of reserve area. Case No. 9663. (ML 309670) 05/15/2024
65 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - PPRP Condition 17 Compliance Filing. Phase 2. Case No. 9663 (ML 309916) 05/29/2024
66 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - PPRP Condition 12. Case No. 9663 (ML 310384) 06/21/2024
67 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - Request for Approval of Revised Decommissioning Plan Pursuant to Revised PPRP Condition 36. Case No. 9663 (ML 311773) 08/19/2024
68 DNR/ PPRP - its Response to Backbone Solar's Request to Approve a Decommissioning Plan. Case No. 9663 (ML 312473) 09/23/2024
69 The Commission - Letter Order to CPV Backbone Solar, LLC granted approval of revised decommissioning plan. Case No. 9663. (ML 312517) 09/25/2024
70 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - PPRP Conditions 24 and 25. Case No. 9663 (ML 312554) 09/27/2024
71 CPV Backbone Solar, LLC - PPRP Condition 7, 17, and 36. Case No. 9663 (ML 314183) 12/12/2024