Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9680
Date Filed : 05/13/2022

Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc.'s Application for Authority to Increase Rates and Charges

No. Subject Date
1 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Application for Authority To Increase Rates and Charges. Case No. 9680 (ML 240663) 05/13/2022
2 The Commission - Order No. 90213 Initiating Docket, Suspending Tariff Revisions and Delegating to PULJ. Case No. 9680 (ML 240678) 05/13/2022
3 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9680 (ML 240681) 05/13/2022
4 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference and Service List. Case No. 9680 (ML 240727) 05/17/2022
5 Staff of the Maryland Public Service Commission - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9680 (ML 240765) 05/19/2022
6 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9680 (ML 240766) 05/19/2022
7 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9680 (ML 240801) 05/23/2022
8 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Certificates of Publication. Case No. 9680 (ML 241006) 06/09/2022
9 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9680 (ML 241089) 06/14/2022
10 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9680 (ML 241143) 06/17/2022
11 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9680 (ML 241144) 06/17/2022
12 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing. Date: June 10, 2022 (All Participants Appearing Remotely). Case No. 9680 (ML 241211) 06/24/2022
13 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Direct Testimony and Exhibits. Case No. 9680 (ML 241312) 07/01/2022
14 The Commission - Order No. 90277. Case No. 9680 (ML 241449) 07/12/2022
15 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Errata to Supplemental Testimony. Case No. 9680 (ML 241502) 07/15/2022
16 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Public Comment Hearing. Case No. 9680 (ML 241614) 07/25/2022
17 Office of People's Counsel - Direct Testimony. Case No. 9680 (ML 241659) 07/27/2022
18 Staff of the Public Service Commission - Direct Testimony. (Public and Confidential). Case No. 9680 (ML 241663) 07/27/2022
19 Office of People's Counsel - Updated Direct Testimony. Case No. 9680 (ML 241856) 08/10/2022
20 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Notice of Virtual Participation. Case No. 9680 (ML 241937) 08/16/2022
21 Office of People's Counsel - Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9680 (ML 241958) 08/17/2022
22 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9680 (ML 241965) 08/17/2022
23 Staff of the Public Service Commission - Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9680 (ML 241966) 08/17/2022
24 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Motion for Special Admission. Case No. 9680 (ML 241970) 08/18/2022
25 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Certificates of Publication Case No. 9680 (ML 241979) 08/19/2022
26 Office of People's Counsel - Errata to Direct Testimony. Case No. 9680 (ML 242138) 08/31/2022
27 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Suspension of Procedural Schedule and Settlement Hearing. Case No. 9680 (ML 242160) 09/01/2022
28 Staff of the Maryland Public Service Commission - Settlement Agreement. Case No. 9680 (ML 242195) 09/02/2022
29 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. August 23, 2022. 7:00 p.m. Case No. 9680 (ML 242217) 09/07/2022
30 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Testimony. Case No. 9680 (ML 242241) 09/08/2022
31 Office of People's Counsel - Supplemental Testimony. Case No. 9680 (ML 242242) 09/08/2022
32 Staff of the Maryland Public Service Commission - Joint Testimony. Case No. 9680 (ML 242244) 09/08/2022
33 Staff of the Public Service Commission - Errata to Direct Testimony. Case No. 9680 (ML 242277) 09/12/2022
34 CRC Salomon, Inc. - Stenographers Record Hearing Date. September 13, 2022. 10:00 a.m. Case No. 9680 (ML 242534) 10/03/2022
35 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Proposed Order. Case No. 9680 (ML 300008) 11/03/2022
36 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Order No. 90421 Final Order. Case No. 9680 (ML 300202) 11/17/2022
37 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - its Revised Tariff Pages - Compliance Filing. The Company Proposes a Rate Increase to its Natural Gas Distribution Rates. Case No. 9680 (ML 300213) 11/17/2022
38 The Commission - Letter Order to Columbia Gas accepting tariff revisions. Case No. 9680. (ML 300492) 12/14/2022
39 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Quarterly Earnings Report for Fourth Quarter of 2022. Case No. 9680 (ML 301297) 02/14/2023
40 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Quarterly Earnings Report for Q1 of 2023. Case No. 9680 (ML 302914) 05/15/2023
41 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Quarterly Earnings Report for Q2 of 2023. Case No. 9680 (ML 304537) 08/14/2023
42 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Quarterly Earnings Report for Q3 of 2023. Case No. 9680 (ML 306118) 11/14/2023
43 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. - Quarterly Earnings Report for Q4 of 2023. Case No. 9680 (ML 307600) 02/14/2024
44 Office of Staff Counsel - Withdrawal of Appearance. Case No. 9680 (ML 308067) 03/06/2024
45 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9680 (ML 308072) 03/06/2024
46 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9680 (ML 310585) 07/02/2024