Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9738
Date Filed : 05/02/2024

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc.’s Application for Adjustments to its Retail Rates and Charges for Electric Distribution Service

No. Subject Date
1 Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. - its Application for Adjustments to its Retail Rates and Charges for Electric Distribution Service. Case No. 9738 (ML 309428) 05/01/2024
2 The Commission - Order No. 91122 on Delegation to PULJ. Case No. 9738 (ML 309452) 05/03/2024
3 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference. Case No. 9738 (ML 309495) 05/07/2024
4 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9738 (ML 309496) 05/07/2024
5 The Department of the Navy on behalf of all Federal Executive Agencies - Petition to Intervene. Case No. 9738 (ML 309505) 05/07/2024
6 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9738 (ML 309532) 05/08/2024
7 Office of Staff Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9738 (ML 309533) 05/08/2024
8 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9738 (ML 309540) 05/09/2024
9 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9738 (ML 309542) 05/09/2024
10 The Department of the Navy on behalf of all Federal Executive Agencies - Service List Revision. Case No. 9738 (ML 309543) 05/09/2024
11 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9738 (ML 309617) 05/14/2024
12 Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. - Certificates of Publication. Case No. 9738 (ML 310218) 06/11/2024
13 The Commission - Delegation to PULJ Correction. Case No. 9738 (ML 310264) 06/14/2024
14 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Procedural Schedule. Case No. 9738 (ML 310269) 06/14/2024
15 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Public Comment Hearing. Case No. 9738 (ML 310468) 06/27/2024
16 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Amended Public Comment Hearing. Case No. 9738 (ML 310587) 07/02/2024
17 The Department of the Navy on behalf of all Federal Executive Agencies - Direct Testimony and Exhibits. Case No. 9738 (ML 310651) 07/03/2024
18 Office of Staff Counsel - Direct Testimony and Exhibits. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9738 (ML 310654) 07/03/2024
19 Office of People's Counsel - Direct Testimony. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9738 (ML 310656) 07/03/2024
20 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Bench Data Request No. 1. Case No. 9738 (ML 310783) 07/11/2024
21 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Service List Revision. Case No. 9738 (ML 310791) 07/11/2024
22 Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. - Emergency Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-state Attorney. Case No. 9738 (ML 310815) 07/12/2024
23 CRC Salomon, Inc - Stenographers Record Hearing Date: July 13, 2024, 1:00 p.m. Case No. 9738 (ML 310870) 07/16/2024
24 Office of Staff Counsel - Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9738 (ML 311010) 07/19/2024
25 Office of People's Counsel - Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9738 (ML 311012) 07/19/2024
26 The Department of the Navy on behalf of all Federal Executive Agencies - Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9738 (ML 311013) 07/19/2024
27 Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. - Rebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9738 (ML 311015) 07/19/2024
28 Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. - Certificates of Publication. Case No. 9738 (ML 311058) 07/23/2024
29 Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. - Sign Affidavit. Case No. 9738 (ML 311146) 07/25/2024
30 Office of Staff Counsel - Surrebuttal Testimony and Exhibits. Case No. 9738 (ML 311316) 07/31/2024
31 The Department of the Navy on behalf of all Federal Executive Agencies - Surrebuttal Testimony and Exhibits. (Public and Confidential) Case No. 9738 (ML 311322) 07/31/2024
32 Office of People's Counsel - Surrebuttal Testimony. Case No. 9738 (ML 311323) 07/31/2024
33 Office of Staff Counsel - Comparison Chart of the Positions of the Parties. Case No. 9738 (ML 311417) 08/02/2024
34 Office of Staff Counsel - Errata to Direct Testimony. Case No. 9738 (ML 311574) 08/09/2024
35 CRC Salomon, Inc - Stenographers Record Hearing Date: July 23, 2024, 7:00 p.m. Case No. 9738 (ML 311652) 08/14/2024
36 CRC Salomon, Inc - Stenographers Record Hearing Date: August 5, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Case No. 9738 (ML 311825) 08/21/2024
37 Office of Staff Counsel - Initial Post-Hearing Brief. Case No. 9738 (ML 312038) 08/30/2024
38 The Department of the Navy on behalf of all Federal Executive Agencies - Initial Brief. Case No. 9738 (ML 312039) 08/30/2024
39 Office of People's Counsel - Initial Post-Hearing Brief. Case No. 9738 (ML 312047) 08/30/2024
40 Southern Maryland Electric Coop., Inc. - Initial Post-Hearing Brief. Case No. 9738 (ML 312051) 08/30/2024
41 CRC Salomon, Inc - Stenographers Record Hearing Date: August 14, 2024, 1:00 p.m. Case No. 9738 (ML 312055) 09/03/2024
42 CRC Salomon, Inc - Stenographers Record Hearing Date: August 15, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Case No. 9738 (ML 312056) 09/03/2024
43 Office of People's Counsel - Corrections to Footnotes in Initial Brief. Case No. 9738 (ML 312155) 09/06/2024
44 Office of People's Counsel - Reply Brief. Case No. 9738 (ML 312182) 09/09/2024
45 The Department of the Navy on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies - Reply Brief. Case No. 9738 (ML 312183) 09/09/2024
46 Office of Staff Counsel - Reply Brief. Case No. 9738 (ML 312192) 09/09/2024
47 Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. - Post-Hearing Reply Brief. Case No. 9738 (ML 312198) 09/09/2024
48 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Proposed Order. Case No. 9738 (ML 312713) 10/04/2024
49 Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. - its Revised Tariff Pages. The Company Proposes a Rate Increase to its Electric Distribution Service Rates that were authorized in PULJ's Proposed Order. Effective: December 1, 2024. Case No. 9738 (ML 313310) 11/01/2024
50 Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. - Errata to its Revised Tariff Pages. The Company Proposes a Rate Increase to its Electric Distribution Service Rates that were authorized in PULJ's Proposed Order. Effective: December 1, 2024. Case No. 9738 (ML 313380) 11/06/2024
51 The Commission - Letter Order to SMECO accepting tariff for filing. Case No. 9738 (ML 313850) 11/26/2024
52 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Order No. 91430. Case No. 9738 (ML 313880) 11/27/2024
53 Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. - "Clean Copies" of its clean copies of its Retail Electric Service Tariff and revised Bill Stabilization Adjustment (BSA) factors for Schedules GSM and GSL. Case No. 9738 (ML 313917) 11/27/2024